Saturday, April 18, 2020

Speech on Success free essay sample

Writing Folio-persuasive Explanation: I wrote this speech for the group of American University students that were to attend this lecture to inspire them to commit if they want to succeed. I was performing this speech with the intention of making a few people that have a high potential of succeeding as they go to a top university, fulfill their potential. I didnt want any more people failing in life and not succeeding at what they wanted to do and then not knowing why. I showed the students that commitment leads to success using examples such as the economic growth of China and the commitment that makes Lance Armstrong successful. I kept the speech relatively short as inspirational speakers often make their speeches shorter to make themselves more interesting to the audience and not lose the power of their points. I used assertive in phrases such as never going to happen and you must. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech on Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I didnt include any points that would show what happens if you dont commit and succeed so the speech stays positive and upbeat. If you commit to something you will succeed. Today we have the honor of having the famous speaker Edward Crooks come to talk to us. Recently he has been touring around America and has been giving speeches to arioso VIVO League Universities, and today he will be talking on the topic of how commitment brings success. Please give him a warm welcome. Thank you, thank you. As you Just heard today I want to talk to you about how commitment and success are linked together and if you truly commit to something you are guaranteed to succeed. Now, put your hands up if you want to become successful. I see thats all of you, good coo you shouldnt be here if you dont. However I doubt most of you really want to succeed, youll Just take it if its offered to you and you dont have to go to far out of your way to get it. Ill tell you now, thats never going to happen, success is not handed to you on a silver platter, you have to really work to be able to succeed, thats the way life works. Nothing comes for free. Are there any Economics students in here? Tell me, which country is currently booming with wealth and still rising? Thats right, its China. Now let me tell you how incredibly hard every single one of these Chinese millionaires worked to be able to rise so high and become so successful in a country with 1. 3 billion people in it. They would give themselves a goal, and they then commit themselves to that goal and ant to succeed more than they wanted to eat, more than they wanted to sleep, more than they wanted to breath! This is the level of commitment you have to show if you really want to become successful, or you might as well leave it. This is a quote from Lance Armstrong; Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its worker, one of the hardest workers of all time. When Lance Armstrong sets himself a goal he will commit to that goal like no one else would. He wouldnt sleep for 2 days straight while preparing for the Tour De France. His commitment to what he does is the reason why he is the best at what he does. Now, I didnt come out here today for nothing, so if some of your didnt listen to this whole speech, I guess thats your loss. However you must take one thing out of this if you really want to succeed. If you commit, if you endure everything that they throw at you, you WILL be successful. If you never give up, something will come from it. Hard work is rewarded. Thank you for listening. Commitment- Expository piece Explanation: I based my expository piece on an interview I invented based on Kobo Breasts recent improvement in the NAB. For a long time Kobo Bryant has been the best basketball player in the league however recently he has somehow been improving. It is a very interesting concept as even though he should be getting worse with his ageing body, he is somehow improving. In the piece I wanted to explain through an interview that this isnt Just luck but its because he has shown so much commitment to what he does that it was bound to pay off. The language that I use is informal conversational as the interview is taken with someone that is taking it as a normal conversation, not as something formal. I wrote this piece for any Los Angels Lake and/or Kobo Breasts fans. It could also be interesting for any NAB fans as this is talking about I wrote this piece in first person and in the present tense, as it is an interview. In the piece I show what commitment meaner to me as I show you that I think commitment is something that isnt an easy thing to do, but something that takes a lot of strength and resilience. Why Kobo Bryant is the best of all time. Interview with renowned Basketball trainer Michael Bennett: My career as a professional Basketball trainer started about twelve years ago, and I gust say, committing to this Job was the best thing that ever happened to me, but thats not what Im here to talk about today. I want to show you Just how committed to the sport of Basketball Kobo Bryant is. Over my career as a trainer, I have been able to work with a range of athletes from mediocre high school level to some astounding players on professional stage. In the past few weeks there has been a lot of commotion around Kobo, as people have noticed that even though he is ageing, he is still improving. So as I have coached him a few times, almost everyday people are asking me: How is he getting better with GE? The answer for me is simple, that man is the most committed basketball player of all time. Let me tell you a story. I was invited to Alas Vegas last year to help Team USA with their training before they headed off to London to participate in the Olympics, and as you probably know, they came back with the gold medal. Before this experience, Ive such as Lebanon James and Russell Westbrook but this was my first ever interaction with Kobo. We first met three days before the first premier practice scrimmage. We had a brief conversation where we talked about his conditioning work, what level Id like to be at when the NAB season started again, and we talked a little about the upcoming game. So before I left I gave him my card and told him to call whenever he needed it. On the night before the first scrimmage, I was watching a movie while in bed at around 2:30 in the morning. As I slowly start to drift off into sleep, my phone rings. I wonder who would be calling me at this time. It was Kobo. I slowly pick up the phone, wondering what he wanted. Hey, Rob, I hope Im not disturbing anything yeah? Nah, whats up Kobo? l was Just wondering if you could Just help me out with some conditioning work, hats all. I look at my clock. It was 4:00 AM. Yeah sure, Ill see you in a bit. It took me about thirty minutes to rise out of bed, grab my gear and get out of the hotel. When I finally got there and opened the door to the main practice floor I saw Kobo. Alone. He was drenched in sweat as if he had Just had a bath or had gone for a swim. It wasnt even 4:45 yet. We did some conditioning work for an hour or so. Then we entered the gym, where he would do a solid work out, focusing m ainly on strength exercises for the next 45 minutes. After that we parted ways and he Jogged back to the practice floor to shoot. I went back to the hotel and crashed. Man, I was spent. I was meant to be back at about 11 AM. I woke up feeling tired, drowsy, and pretty much experiencing every effect that you can get from sleep deprivation. Thanks, Kobo. I had a breakfast and headed to the practice facility. This next part was the thing that really made me see Just how committed this man was, I remember it very clearly. All the Team USA players were already there, getting pumped for the first scrimmage. Lebanon was having a chat to Bosh, and I believe Coach Skewering was trying to get some tactics into Chris Paul. On the right side of the practice facility, I saw Kobo by himself shooting Jumpers. And this is exactly how our next conversation went I walked over to him, and said, Good work this morning. Huh? The conditioning. Great work. Oh Yeah, thanks Rob. I appreciate it. So when did you finish up? Finish what? Finish your shooting practice. What time did you leave the court? Oh Just now. I wanted 800 baskets so yeah, Just now I guess. My Jaw dropped. It was then that I realized that theres no surprise to why hes been as effective as he was last season, as he has always been. Every story about his commitment, every quote that hes said about hard work was finally all coming together, it was all so true, So the string of amazing performances recently have been of little surprise when I witnessed something like that, the mans a machine. Its no surprise to me that he was leading the league in scoring but when his team needed it, he switched to a style that suited his coach and team mates more. He is Just a phenomenal player and I am grateful that I had the privilege of working with him. Thank you Kobo Bryant. Reflection I thought that we were very lucky to have the workshop lessons that we had as it was great opportunity to get your work edited and get ideas from other people. I also enjoyed editing and helping out other people with their work as it helped me get few ideas that I applied to my own writing. Even though the work shop lessons were almost always very productive, I felt like sometimes I wasnt getting enough time to have my work looked over by my peers as on a few occasions I wouldnt get enough time to finish looking over my partners work or vice versa. Also, even though my own sessions were very productive I found that a minority of people werent very willing to vive beneficial advice. Although there were people that made these lessons difficult, most of the people that I worked with gave very constructive feedback and I did the same for them. Overall, I found that these sessions were useful, but there are certain problems that ruined it for some members of the class. Without these workshop sessions I am sure that my pieces would not be at the level they are at now. Drafts- Persuasive Draft 1 Today we have the honor of having the famous speaker Edward Crooks come to to talk to us. Recently he has been touring around America and has been giving speeches to arioso Universities, today he will talking on the topic of commitment to success. Please give him a warm welcome. Thank you, thank you. As you Just heard today I want to talk to you how about how successful? . I see thats all of you, good coo you shouldnt be here if you dont. However I doubt most of you really want to succeed, youll Just take it if its offered to you and you dont have to go to far out of your way to get it. Ill tell you now, thats never going to happen, success is not handed to you on a silver platter, you have to really work to be able to succeed, thats the way life works. Nothing comes for free. Booming with wealth and still rising? Thats right, its China. Now let me tell you how rise so high and, become so successful in a country with 1. 3 billion people in it. They than they wanted to breath! This is the level of commitment you have to make house if you really want to become successful, or you might as well leave it. Place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. Lance Armstrong is an incredibly hard goal he will commit to that goal himself like almost no one else would. He wolfhounds sleep for 2 days straight while preparing for the Tour De France. His commitment to what he does is the reason why he is the best at what he does. Now, take Lances quote and make something of it. Go out there and commit to If theres only one thing you take out of this remember this. Success doesnt come e asy. It will be a hard Journey. But if you commit to it, you WILL be successful. Thanks for listening. Draft 2 successful. I see thats all of you, good because you shouldnt be here if you dont. However I doubt most of you really want to succeed, youll Just take it if its offered to really work to be able to successful, thats the way life works. Nothing comes for free. Oncoming with wealth and still rising? Its China. Now let me tell you how incredibly hard every single one of these Chinese millionaires worked to be able to rise so high and become so successful in a country with 1. 3 billion people in it. They would give themselves a goal, and they then commit themselves to that goal and want to succeed more than they wanted to eat, more than they wanted to sleep, more than they wanted to breath! This is a quote from lance Armstrong, the amazing winner of the tour De France Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will upside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. Lance Armstrong is an incredibly hard worker. When Lance Armstrong sets himself a Now, I didnt come out here today for nothing. If theres only one thing you take out of this, I want you to remember this one thing. If you commit, if you endure everything that they throw at you, you WILL be successful. If you never give up, something will come from it. Thank you for listening. Drafts- Expository My career as a professional started Basketball trainer about twelve years ago, and I hats not what Im here to talk about today, I want to show you Just how committed to players on professional level. In the past few weeks there has been a lot of commotion around Kobo and how somehow as he is ageing, he is improving at the young mans sport of basketball. So as I have coached him a few times, almost everyday people are asking me: How is he getting better with age? The answer for me is simple, this man is the most committed basketball player of all time. Heir training before they headed off to London to participate in the Olympics, and as you probably know, they came back with the gold medal. Before this experience Ive training camp Ive been blessed with the opportunity to work with some of the games greatest players such as Lebanon James and Russell West brook in the past but this would be my first ever interaction with Kobo. The first time w e met was three days before the first practice scrimmage. We had a brief conversation where we talked about his conditioning work, What level hed like to be at when the NAB season started again, and we talked a little about the upcoming game. So before I left I gave him my card and number and told him to call whenever he needed it. The night before the first scrimmage, at the time I was watching some movie on T. V at around 2:30 in the morning, and as I slowly start to drift off into sleep, my phone vibrates. I wonder who would be calling me at this time. It was Kobo. I slowly pick up the phone, wondering what he wanted. Nah nah, whats up Kobo? hotel. When I go there and opened the door to the main practice floor I saw Kobo. Alone. He was drenched in sweat as if he had Just had a bath or had gone for a swim. It wasnt even 4:45 yet. We did some conditioning work for a bit more than an hour. Then we entered the weight room, where he would do a solid work out, focus mainly on strength exercises for something like the next 45 minutes. After that we parted ways and he Jogged back to the practice floor to shoot. I went back to the hotel and crashed. Man I was exhausted. I meant to be back at about 11 AM. I woke up feeling tired, drowsy, and pretty much every effect that you can get from sleep deprivation. Thanks, Kobo. I had a breakfast and headed to the practice facility. This next part I was something that really made me make the statement, as I remember it very clearly. All the Team USA players were already there, getting pumped for the first scrimmage. Lebanon was having a chat to Bosh, and if I believe Finish you shooting practice. What time did you leave the court? Oh Just now. I wanted 800 baskets so yeah, Just now I guess. My Jaw dropped. Holy Mother of God! Was last season, has ever been. Every story about his commitment, every quote that hes said about hard work was finally all coming together, it was all so true, this was phenomenal, Id never heard about anything like it in mall my years. That suited his coach and team mates more. Thank you Really good work so far. You have obviously put a lot of work into this piece of writing make it flow a bit better and be careful about typos. It might be in your interest to add a few lines as a conclusion egg. Kobo is a team player. Kobo is committed. to make it sound more powerful and to reiterate your point that Kobo is committed to Basketball. Besides that, Im really liking where this is going. Green Smoothness Red Typos and minor mistakes Commitment In the past few weeks there has been a lot of commotion around Kobo, because as he is ageing, he is improving at the young mans sport of basketball. So as I have coached GE? The answer for me is simple, this man is the most committed basketball player been blessed with the opportunity to work with some of the games greatest players such as Lebanon James and Russell Westbrook but this would be my first ever interaction with Kobo. The first time we met was three days before the first practice scrimmage. We had a brief conversation where we talked about his conditioning work, what level hed like to be at when the NAB season started again, and we talked a little about the upcoming game. So before I left I gave him my card and number and told him to call whenever he needed it. On the night before the first scrimmage, I was watching some movie on T. V at around 2:30 in the morning, and as I slowly start to drift off into sleep, my phone rings. I swim. It wasnt even 4:45 yet. We did some conditioning work for an hour or so. Then we entered the gym, were he would do a solid work out, focusing mainly on strength exercises for something like the next 45 minutes. After that we parted ways and he Jogged back to the practice floor to shoot. I went back to the hotel and crashed. Man, I was spent. Was, I remember it very clearly. All the boys Team USA players were already there, tenting pumped for the first scrimmage. Lebanon was having a chat to Bosh, and I believe Coach Skewering was trying to get some tactics into Chris Paul. It was then that I realized that theres no surprise to why hes been as effective as he quote that hes said about hard work was finally all coming together, it was all so true, this was phenomenal, Id never heard about anything like it in all my years. In the past few weeks there has been a lot of commotion around Kobo, (rephrase to although he is ageing, he is still improving? ) because as he is ageing, he is improving at the young mans sport of basketball. So as I have coached him a few times, almost everyday people are asking me: How is he getting better with age? The answer for me is simple, (that not this? ) this man is the most committed basketball player of all time. On the night before the first scrimmage, I was watching (a movie would sound better) some movie while in bed at around 2:30 in the morning. As I slowly start to drift off into sleep, my phone rings. I wonder who would be calling me at this time. It was Kobo. I slowly pick up the phone, wondering what he wanted. Swim. It wasnt even 4:45 yet. This is very very good

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