Thursday, December 5, 2019

An Exploratory Study Of Attitudinal And Behavioural †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the An Exploratory Study Of Attitudinal And Behavioural. Answer: Introduction Leadership is crucial in every organization that exists today. A great leader can help a team reach the pinnacle of success. On the other hand, a bad leader can misguide the team and adversely impact the teams performance (Kesidou Carter, 2018). An effective leader must be capable to make sound decisions and earn respect. It is imperative to understand the leadership qualities that one possesses in order to ensure being a charismatic leader in the future. Characteristics of an effective leader Optimistic A good leader must always work towards finding the solution to a problem rather than the other way round. An optimistic leader can keep the morale of the teammates high and create a positive environment at the workplace (Goleman, 2017). It is important that the leader is optimistic to build trust, respect and motivate people to work hard. In the times of a crisis, an optimistic leader will not lose hope but rather motivate his team mates to stay positive and face the situation. For example: Steve jobs is the founder of a leading brand the Apple Inc. Steve Jobs has faced various issues in his entire lifespan. He was diagnosed with a life threatening illness. He was fired from his own organization and very often he did not have the means or resources to have an entire days meal. Despite all these adverse situations, he continued to positive and remained optimistic throughout. This helped him make the best out of every situation and such an attitude allowed him to make such a significant mark in the world. Visionary A great leader must be visionary. It is important the leaders eyes are set on the future and it is easy for him to anticipate what the future might hold. It is essential that the leader looks beyond the present and provides for a solution for future problems of the world. A visionary leader will always be better prepared for the future. Such an attitude helps leader introduce new technologies and set long term future goals. For Example: Elon musk is a true visionary leader. He works hard and builds technologies which have never been seen before. It is only his ability to see through the future and devise strategies that allow him to perform better than his competitors and stand apart. His visions for the world are a source of inspiration for many people across the globe. Charismatic A charismatic leader automatically draws attention towards himself and creates a set of loyal followers. A charismatic leader is always easy to follow. There is something about a charismatic leaders personality and aura that makes the leader different from the crowd. Such a leader finds it easy to motivate people and persuade them in the right direction. For Example: Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India. He is a charismatic personality and when he announced his candidature for the Prime Ministerial elections in the country, there was no doubt that he would be elected by a majority vote. Through his charisma and flamboyance, he has participated in various international events, established relationships with many countries and attracted millions of investment in his country. Quick decision making One of the most important aspects of a leaders personality would always be the leaders ability to make quick decisions. A leader would often be put in critical situation where he would have to make decisions on an urgent basis. The magnitude of the decisions impact may also be massive. Therefore it is imperative that the leader possesses the ability to make quick decisions for himself and his team (Bolman Deal, 2017). For Example: Dr. Raghuram Rajan who is a renowned economist and currently a professor at the University of Chicago. The man has served as a chief advisor for the IMF and has been the chief of the central bank of India. Raghuram Rajan has changed the face of Indian economy by taking crucial decisions of the country. He revived the interest rates, brought down inflation and this led to the growth of the Indian economy. Ethical Being a great leader automatically comes with abundant responsibility. There are a large number of followers who are associated with a great leader. Therefore it becomes the responsibility of the leader to be ethical and create an example in the society (Ciulla, 2014). This aspect is very crucial in order to ensure that no leader has a negative influence on the society. For Example: Ratan Naval Tata who is the founder of the TATA group of companies has not only created a storm by building a solid brand but has also redefined ethics by following the path of righteousness throughout his lifespan. The TATA group of companies has not been a part of any scandal and they have always taken great care to ensure the growth of their stakeholders. My strengths Optimistic My biggest strength is that I am a highly optimistic person. I try to see the best in every situation. I remain positive and I try to spread that positivity across people. I have worked very hard to remain positive and even in terms of a crisis I put efforts to remain positive and handle the situation with optimism. Charismatic I have always believed that I have a strong personality and I often easily become the center of attention in a group of people. I have worked hard to build this personality. This personality also makes it easier for me get an audience who will listen to me attentively. This has been possible due to many competitions that I have participated in. Quick decision making As mentioned earlier, that in case of a crisis too, I find it easy to remain optimistic. Therefore it is easy for me to make quick decisions and handle any situation practically. I am easily able to perform a situational analysis of my current condition and find it easy to make a decision that deems to be most appropriate. My Weaknesses Visionary I often find it difficult to focus on long term goals. My short term visions are very clear and I am of the opinion that I can only aim for the next goal once the goal at hand has been achieved. I need to build this skill in order to be a successful leader. Ethical I also find it difficult to remain ethical. I try to make the most profit out of a given situation and I strongly believe that some ends justify any means. This makes me get tempted towards doing unethical activities. However, I now make a deliberate effort to not get lured into the wrong direction. Impact of my culture on my leadership abilities Culture is basically a group of people who have the same history, religion, beliefs, morale and knowledge. Culture holds a massive impact on the individuals leadership skills. I come from India and here we are taught to give respect to people coming from different backgrounds. This is exactly what makes a positive person. I am empathetic in my behavior due to my respect and understanding of different people. This will positive impact my leadership skills. In the country, we have a massive population and we often have to adjust to the situations that are presented before us. Hence it makes me able to take decisions and see the best in every situation. Respectful and well-known leader: Steve Jobs Steve Jobs in the founder of the Apple Inc. He is an entrepreneur who has inspired millions of people with his innovation, optimism, decision making and effective leadership abilities. Analyzing my strengths with the leaders characteristics My biggest strength is my communication skills. I have always been good at communicating with people and making my voice heard. I try to establish deep relationships with people around me through my communication skills and it also helps me resolve conflicts as and when they arise. For example: Steve Jobs created a loyal team of followers through his oratory skills. Steve Jobs was invited to various universities to deliver speeches because they inspired millions of people. Every leader must have great communication skills (Fairhurst Connaughton, 2014). These speeches are still available on YouTube and are a source of motivation for people. My next strength is my optimism and my ability to make the best out of every situation For example: Steve Jobs spent days without adequate resources, faced immense failure and criticism, was fired from his own company and even faced terminal illness but he continued to remain optimistic and turned every situation around to the best of his abilities. Analyzing my weaknesses with the leaders characteristics My weakness is my inability to be forgiving. For Example: Steve Jobs was betrayed by his own people and fired from a business that he started. However, after the establishment of Pixar, he accepted to work with Apple Inc. again. I need to learn this skill and work upon being more forgiving. Rationale for development It is important that one develops leadership qualities at an early stage as the future often presents people with various leadership opportunities. My reason behind working on my skills is to ensure that I become a great leader and leave a significant mark in the society. I need to work upon my ability to remain patient and not become aggressive. I often feel very possessive about myself and my team and I tend to become aggressive in discussions if I truly believe that I am right. I need to work on this skills to ensure better coordination with people in the future. I also need to be able to build long term goals and become a visionary to ensure that I can set long term goals for my team and bring in innovation. This will help me a gain an advantage over my competitors and I will be able to introduce something new in the world. Opportunities to develop Courses on leadership: In order to improve my leadership skills there are various courses that are available that can be taken. I will register myself for those course and work upon improving my skills. Books by role model: My role model is Steve Jobs and there are various books that have been written that include his journey as a leader. I would read those books and gain learning from the same. Strategies for development Revise goals: I will start working towards setting long term goals and will continue to revise these goals on a daily basis. This will help me get used to making a long term goals for myself and my team. I will also read various books to work on this and use planners to ensure setting a more strategic future goal. Meditate and read: In order to ensure that I remain ethical throughout my career I will work towards doing meditation and reading spiritual books that will help me and guide me in the right direction to remain ethical. External motivation: It is important for a leader to continue to remain positive and motivated. I will read various books and watch motivational videos to remain motivated and inspired throughout. Motivation is temporary and therefore it often requires to be fueled through external sources every now and then. Feedback: In order to consistently improve my leadership skills, I will take consistent feedback from my seniors, family members, peers and juniors. I will do my best to take all the feedbacks constructively and work towards the suggestions given to me. Success indicators Experience is the best teacher and there is no learning that classrooms can give which experience cannot. Feedback from teachers and friends will help me improve my skills in the right direction and work towards improving upon my weaknesses. Online tests which test ones leadership abilities are available in abundance throughout the internet. I will take these tests frequently and work upon the feedback received from these tests. Resources and support for implementation of strategy Money: I would require money for taking classes and online tests. Time: I need to devote a considerable amount of time to work upon improving my skills Internet: This is required for me to take online tests Books: I would be reading books on leadership to enhance my skills. Timeframe for implementation Firstly I will make a list of books that I need to read. I will sincerely devote time to reading and make sure that I am at least reading two books in a week. I will watch one motivational video every morning I will take online tests every two months After two months of working on myself, I will take a feedback from those around me. I will apply the reviews from the feedback and again take another feedback after the next two month. If required, I will take classes to improve my skills I will keep a daily check on myself. References Bolman, L. G., Deal, T. E. (2017).Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley Sons. Ciulla, J. B. (Ed.). (2014).Ethics, the heart of leadership. ABC-CLIO. Fairhurst, G. T., Connaughton, S. L. (2014). Leadership: A communicative perspective.Leadership,10(1), 7-35. Goleman, D. (2017).Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Kesidou, E., Carter, S. (2018). Entrepreneurial leadership: an exploratory study of attitudinal and behavioral patterns over the business lifecycle.International Review of Entrepreneurship.

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