Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on should students be allowed to use cell phones in...

Tania Choudhury Grade 8 Mount Vernon School Room 218 Persuasive Essay / Cellular Telephone Cell Phones: Many American youth now have cell phones that they carry with them everywhere .Should cell phones be allowed at school ?Many teachers and students claim that phones are distracting while many parents and students insist that phones are necessary. Write a persuasive essay explaining your position on the issue. Although not everybody would agree, but I think that cell phones should not be allowed to bring to school. I have†¦show more content†¦Cell phones aren’t usually that big so it gives the students a great opportunity to cheat. Most of the time during a test, students go to different websites to look for answers .Since they get free Wi-Fi in classrooms; it even becomes easier for them to cheat. In addition to that students can also trade answers with other students in class through Facebook, sms, kik, message and other social apps.Nowadays, cell phones have become one of the most useful source in America. In other words, a month earlier, I was looking through some photographs in my library class .The pictures were about students who cheats on class works, tests, quizzes and homework and can even go to Gail for plagiarism. On the other hand, today’s students take this as a joke. They don’t realize how it affects their grades. You can cheat a lot in life but one day there will be nothing to cheat from or anyone to get the answers from. In spite of this it is not always mandatory for someone to depend on a source more than themselves. This was another reason to explain why students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school. Pursuing this further, students should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school because it can be used for cyber bullying. Students bully other students in hallways, bathrooms, classrooms and playgrounds but cyber bullying is when you bully someone throughout emailing. Eventually, aShow MoreRelatedUse Of Cell Phones During School Schools866 Words   |  4 Pagescommonly by having a cell phone. Cell phones have developed profoundly throughout the generations. They can be used for a variety of thing from business to education or simply for recreational use. As well as, in cases of an emergency. The use of cell phones by students should be allowed in school despite what schools agree with. With the proper guidelines, student should be able to use their phones by which will also respecting the school’s rules and restrictions for their use. If we are preparingRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Our Human Interaction1204 Words   |  5 Pageslive off of cell phones, it is considered a necessity of life. By 2015, it is estimated that Americans will consume both traditional and digital media for over 1.7 trillion hours, an average of approximately 15 and a half hours per person per day (Short). Is it good or bad for schools to allow students to have cell phones? The latest Teens and Technology 2013 study, from Pew Research, found that 78 percent of teens aged 12 – 17 own a cell phone (Haselton). However, a Worcester School committee memberRead MoreCell Phones Should Be Allowed in School802 Words   |  4 Pagesanother. You discover that you do not have a cell phone or any device to contact your parents. There won’t be any chance that you and your parents could contact each other. What would you do? How would you feel? It seems to me that if cell phones were allowed in schools, students could contact thei r parents easier and people could stay in touch. Therefore, cell phones should be allowed to be used in schools. For one, cell phones could provide students with academic help. According to Apple, aboutRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned910 Words   |  4 PagesCell Phones Should be Allowed in School Seventy eight percent of 12-17 years old have cell phones as of a survey taken in 2013. Cell phones have boomed and its time to let them shine. Cell phones becoming a major part of peoples life’s. Cell phones are welcomed every where this days. There allowed in restaurants and hospitals, but one place they are not welcome are schools. Cell phones should allowed in schools. Cell phones are used by around third of the population. With teenagers being a very bigRead MoreImportance Of Cell Phones In School809 Words   |  4 Pagesin class with a cell phone going off? Nothing is worse than a phone interrupting you during class. Some schools try to prevent this. For example, at George Washington Middle School, students have to have their phones turned off and in their lockers. Although many people believe phones should be in schools for resources, phones shouldn’t be allowed because theyre distracting. they can hurt your education, and they can cause cyberbullying. Phones should not be allowed in school because they areRead MoreShould Cell Phones Be Banned?979 Words   |  4 PagesCellphones in class By: Easton Stackis Have you ever wanted to use cellphones in school? Cell phones have many benefits and positive uses that help students during school a lot. Although cell phones can be distracting they should be allowed in school in case of an emergency, to teach responsibility, and to help in school like homework and research. Cell phones are very helpful in emergencies. With cell phones, parents know if their children alright in an emergency. Which takes a lot ofRead MoreCell Phones Should Be Banned in Schools Essay527 Words   |  3 PagesPeople in many schools regularly sneak around on their cell phones, trying to hide them from teachers or administrators. Cell phones were originally against school rules. Honestly it makes a lot of since for students not to be able to use their cell phones during school hours. Cell phones should be banned in schools because they distract students, allow cheating in Schools, and they can be dangerous. Cell phones distract students in school. Whenever people text in class it gets other people’sRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Our Daily Life1259 Words   |  6 Pagesare necessary for students in high school are beginning to surface. Despite the fact that phones can be utilized educationally and serve as a learning too, this same technology can also be utilized negatively at the wrong time. In agreement with many teachers, â€Å"a fair amount of teachers say cell phones have officially replaced chewing gum as the new classroom menace. Constant ringing, chirping, buzzing and texting are interfering with lessons and student learning, and some students are storing notesRead MoreLimited Use of Cell Phones1453 Words   |  6 PagesArgumentative essay    Mobile cell phones should be limited in certain schools Mobile phones can be an issue in certain schools. Mobile phones should be banned in elementary and middle schools. However, phones during class in high school and college should be up to the teacher, whether or not to have them. As youths get older, they become more responsible on how they use their phones. Elementary  schools  shouldn’t  have  phones  period.  The  kids  shouldn’t  have  a  phone  that  young.  They  don’t  need  it  for  many  reasonsRead MoreShould Cell Phones be allowed in School817 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Should Cell Phones be allowed in School? Do you take your cell phone with you to work, and use it all day long for organization and needed communication? Well, school to us students is like our work, but our organization and communication tool is prohibited. Cell phones have so many positive uses in the classrooms, yet at the same time we aren’t putting our current technology to good use. For example, cell phones in our school are banned, and I feel that this should be changed immediately. The many

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